Choose the right product for you
Standard Job listing £1,452
- Standard Job Listings stays live on the site for 28 days
- Tagged with specific sectors to maximise targeted of relevant candidates through the search facility
- Adverts are sent out on relevant job alert emails to registered subscribers in our live candidate database
Premium Job listing £2,541
- Includes a standard job listing
- Highlighted in the job results list - so offers superior exposure for your listing to jobseekers
- Prioritised in the ‘Jobs by Email’ alerts to the live candidate database – above all standard listings
Our other bespoke packages
Targeted Job listing £3,175 + VAT
- Includes a standard job listing
- Targeted emails are sent to active job seekers
- Job sector search priority – ensures your job is at the top of any relevant search results
- E-newsletter visibility – job included on e-newsletters sent out to wider IBMS database of 16,000 subscribers which includes active and passive job seekers
Branded Job Listing £4,130+VAT
- Includes a standard job listing
- Job board banner profile – run of site animated campaign that links through to all vacancies for each employer
- Top job / Premium Job – home page and run of site campaign featuring client branding and job details
- Recruiting Now button – your logo appears in the ‘Recruiting Now’ section of the job board’s high traffic home page
- JBE Banner – sponsorship of all ‘Jobs by Email’ sent to live candidate database for a week