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The Biomedical Scientist jobs is the online job board for the Biomedical Scientist, the official magazine of The Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS).
Standard Job listing £1,452
When IBMS members are looking for new opportunities, The Biomedical Scientist and The Biomedical Scientist jobs are the first places they look, giving you the best chance of attracting quality candidates!
- Standard Job Listings stays live on the site for 28 days
- Tagged with specific sectors to maximise targeted of relevant candidates through the search facility
- Adverts are sent out on relevant job alert mails to registered subscribers in our live candidate database
£1,452 + VAT for a job posting
Premium Job Packages
Get your vacancy seen by an engaged audience of biomedical science professionals!
- Highlighted in the job results list - so offers superior exposure for your listing to jobseekers
- Prioritised in the ‘Jobs by Email’ alerts to the live candidate database – above all standard listings
- Includes a standard job listing
£2,541 +VAT for a premium job posting
The Biomedical Scientist Magazine
Readership of The Biomedical Scientist ranges from qualified biomedical scientists , health practitioners & clinical scientists. The magazine reaches potential employees across all areas of the health and education sector.
Advertising with The Biomedical Scientist is the only way to reach the entire IBMS membership of over 17,000 members.
- Quarter page - £3,300 +VAT
- Half page - £4,950 +VAT
- Full page - £7,425 +VAT
Take a look at our digital version of out monthly magazine here
Contact us to find out more of your options within print
E: biomedicaljobs@redactive.co.uk
T: +44 (0)20 7880 7665